Thursday, March 24, 2011

IRP Blog Post # 11

"... I concluded that Australia was of essentially zero interest and did not actively think about it again for thirty years.... But this was nothing like was so totally not what I had expected" (Bryson 145-146).

This quote descibes the judgements Bryson had about Australia. He never imagined he would end up liking Australia, or having any interest in it at all. He pictured it to be much like Southern California. Yet, when he arrived for the first time he was shocked and fell in love with the country.

I picked this quote, because I never expected Bryson to not be interested in Australia at any point in his life. His story gives me the image that its his second home and there's no place else he would rather be. Also, I liked this quote because it shows the theme, that people need to open their eyes and experience new things; one cannot just judge something before trying it. I think this quote gives the reader the message of how important it is to go outside your comfort zone and experience new places when you get the chance.

1 comment:

  1. I have always thought Australia seemed like a really interesting place to visit. I am also reading a book about Bryson and his experiences hiking the Appalachian Trail, an adventure completely different from Australia.
