Sunday, November 28, 2010

IR Blog Post 1- CNN: China's aid for North Korea

This article discussed the current tensions in North Korea. Part of the reason for these tensions, deals with the recent deaths of South Korean's during a military drill. But, North Korea is insisting that the South provoked the attack after shells from their military drill landed in North Korean waters. In order to keep peace between the Korean Peninsula China wants to have an emergency meeting with the six-party pack. The six party pack includes the countries- United States, Japan, Russia, China, South Korea, and North Korea.

After reading the article, I am still confused about the six-party pack. China said they wanted to have a consultation with the other members about the growing tensions, yet they also stated that this does not mean a resumption of the six party talks. I just did not understand what it meant to consult them but not resume the talks.

Also, the article said the six-party talks were put on hold in 2008. I am curious to why the talks were put on hold.

This link is to a website that discusses South Korea's view on China's proposal to intervene. South Korea rejects the proposal from China to intervene with the North/South Korean tensions through multi-national talks.

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