Thursday, January 6, 2011

Blog Post #10- CNN Peace in Sudan

In Sudan, an upcoming election will decide whether Southern Sudan should seperate from Sudan and form a new country. After a civil was between the north and south, which ended in 2005, part of the peace deal was a referendum on the independence of Southern Sudan.
The voting will take place in three days, which makes actor George Clooney very excited. As as activists he is hopeful that there will soon be peace at such a chaotic time. George has frequently visited Sudan and even has an organization that will be monitoring violence related to the voting. They will be doing so by using satellite images to get a "birds eye view" of the situation in the country.

Do you think that the voting will be able to come to a clear decision and help the problems going on in Sudan? Do you think it is likely that Southern Sudan will become a seperate country? Also, I think it's nice how celebrities are getting involved in international affairs. Do you think George Clooney's involvement in this situation will affect it in anyway?

Here is a link describing teh atrocities of the Sudan civil war:


  1. i agree with you and George completely! i think it is about time there is peace from all this chaos. i think that the fact that George is trying to get so involved and doing all that he can to help them is cute and shows how nice of a person he is. I love when actors try to get involved in world issues and use their money to help people in need.

  2. It is crazy to think that certain countries are currently in a civil war. Imagine if you lived somewhere and then all of a sudden it turned into a different country. It is very admirable that George Clooney has invested so much time and money into Sudan, but I can't help but wonder is it just to give himself a good public image?
