Thursday, December 2, 2010

IR Blog Post #6- CNN- Oceans Fail Acid Test

The United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) published a book "Environmental Consequences of Ocean Acidification". This book talks about the effects increazing acid levels in oceans will have on sea organisms. The chemistry of the oceans is increasing in its acid content. The rate at which oceans around the world have been changing has been unseen for 65 million years. So far, there have been many negative effects on not just the organisms, but ecosystems as well. This problem is negative because it can potentially harm the food-chain. The pH levels in seas and oceans have been increasingly falling. The reason for this problem is from Carbon dioxide emissions that are being absorbed by the oceans and turned into carbonic acid. Although most sea life is endanger from the changing chemistry of oceans, some species are benefiting. For example, Adult lobsters can increase their shell-building as pH levels continue to fall.

Are there any solutions to this problem?

What actions, if any, have been taken in order to prevent more emissions from pollution the oceans?

What effect will this have on global warming, and vice versa?

I found a website that describes some solutions to how to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emissions.

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